Please click the images to visit these useful websites and resources to help you look after your mental health.
A video link to a useful exercise to aid you in controlling stressful energy when it becomes too much.
Useful tips and information on coping with life and looking after your mental health.
Tips for you and your family on how to look after your mental heath from the Mental Health Foundation.
Helpful information to answer questions from children and help reassure them.
Yoga for Children. A link to YouTube video channel Cosmic Kids Yoga.
Mental Health Support Group for males ages 11+ to 15 in addition to adults.
Mental Health Support Group for females ages 11+ to 15 in addition to adults.
Support for carers (including parent carers), access to wellbeing activities and groups.
Free, safe and anonymous online councelling support for 11+.
A choice of services for people aged 18+ experiencing common mental health problems such as low mood, anxiety, panic, stress and OCD.
For women and teenage girls providing careers advice, parenting tips, housing/benefits advice and strategies to tackle anxiety and low mood while boosting confidence and communication.
Recover-focused mental health service for individuals with mental health needs aged 18+ living in Kirklees.