Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Funding
Publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.
The aim of Pupil Premium is to raise the attainment of eligible pupils, close any identified gaps in areas between these pupils and pupils not eligible, and help them to make as good or even better progress than pupils who are not eligible.
In the October 2023 census, a total of 58.9% of pupils on roll at Southgate School were eligible for all Pupil Premiums. 52.4% pupils were eligible for the ever-6 FSM deprivation Pupil Premium. 4.7% pupils were eligible for Children Looked After Pupil Premium and 5.88% pupils were eligible for Post-Children Looked After Pupil Premium.
The EEF states ‘The Pupil Premium provides an important focus for prioritising the achievement of children from disadvantaged backgrounds in our education system. When it is most effective, the Pupil Premium will sit at the heart of a whole school effort, with all staff understanding the strategy and their role within it.’ This is what we strive to achieve at Southgate School.