Southgate School

Site Security Policy.


Southgate School is committed to providing a safe and secure working, teaching and learning environment for all staff, students, governors, contractors and visitors whilst on site. It aims to develop, promote, communicate, and encourage a positive culture within the school, which recognises the importance and relevance of Risk Management and Security strategies.

School Access

1. During school, when the classes are in session, the entrances to the school building will be kept secure. A security fence surrounds the building which can only be accessed by the gates.

2. During this time the entrance gate and the front door will only be opened from outside with a fob or from inside by the intercom/buzzer system in reception/the office. People arriving must buzz the intercom to be let in and may be asked to wait if there is danger of a child absconding.

3. All teaching and support staff have fobs which will open the entrance gate and main entrances.

Visitors to the School

4. Visitors to the school should only be admitted via the main front entrance.

5. All visitors to the school must sign in at the reception desk in the front lobby. The access door to the school from the front lobby is also fobbed. Visitors who are known to the school will be allowed access by the intercom/buzzer system in reception/the office.

6. Visitors not known to the school will wait in the outer lobby of the front entrance where a member of the Admin Team will ask the reason for their visit and escort them to where they are going in school, or call for a member of staff to escort them.

7. Students should not open the door to visitors but must inform the Admin Team, Headteacher or another member of staff.

8. All visitors must wear a visitor’s badge or their respective professional badge.

9. There are different coloured badges and lanyards to indicate the level of access: red lanyards mean the visitor should not have any unsupervised access to pupils.

10. Staff must challenge any stranger who does not have a visitor’s badge and anyone wearing a red lanyard who is alone with a pupil or pupils.

Other Relevant Documents

11. A number of other school documents contain significant statements relating to pupils’ safety.

Health and Safety Policy
Safety in PE
Behaviour Policy
Emergency Planning
Medical Needs Policy
Risk Assessments
Fire Policy

N Rogers
September 2017